WelcomeMessage from the Conference Chairs A warm Welcome from Greece. Due to the unprecedented health, travel and social distance restrictions imposed in Greece and all over the world as a result of the COVID19 pandemic, the Organizers are kindly inviting all participants and exhibitors to join the virtual ESREF2020 that will now take place from October 4 (Sunday) to October 8 (Thursday) 2020, utilizing an efficient web platform. Hosting ESREF 2020, even in a virtual environment, is a great opportunity to get a glimpse of the evolution of scientific methodology towards present status and the impact of reliability to today challenges such as understanding and controlling the failure and the impact of harsh environments. On Sunday October 4th, tutorials are offered to allow attendees refreshing and expanding their knowledge on hot topics. Based on an exchange agreement with the committees of the International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (ISTFA 2019), the International Symposium on the Physical & Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits Conference (IPFA 2019), the International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS 2020), the authors of awarded papers are invited to present their work at ESREF 2019. These exchanges prove the fruitful collaboration between the Committees of these three conferences. A Virtual Exhibition with more than 15 companies, presenting their state-of-art equipment will be available through-out the conference period available for one-to-one and/or group interactions 24 hours/day. Exhibitors’ own programme or plenary presentations are scheduled to allow participating companies to presenting their activities, products and know-how. We are looking forward to meeting you in ESREF 2020 for a memorable VIRTUAL conference!
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